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Past Green Team Activities


Walking Wednesdays

Celebrate Walk to School Day on October 5th as we Kick Off
our Walking Wednesdays Campaign
for this school year!

Garbage to Garden Campaign 2015-16

Turning food waste into food!

One of our sustainability actions aims to reduce the amount of waste produced in the cafeteria. Non-recyclable styrofoam trays and wasted food items are filling up our landfills carrying with it an environmental and financial burden. With a 2015 grant provided through the Sustainable Jersey for Schools program, we were able to purchase biodegradable, eco-friendly food trays as an alternative to the previously used foam trays. In addition, we were able to purchase an electronic food  composter for each school cafeteria. Although small, these composters can handle a great deal of food waste turning into usable compost for the school garden. Once a week, children will be directed to a compost station and encouraged to dispose of food waste and leftover scraps in designated containers. This small step towards sustainability will educate children and build awareness of the problem of food waste. As the amount of food waste diminishes, awareness will grow, and so will our garden.



Beach Cleanup

Over 25 students from Tighe School's Student Council and children from Ross School joined Margate's Green Team and community members for a fall beach cleanup on Saturday, September 19th. The crew started off from the Bloom Pavilion and spread out to clean the beaches on this beautiful day in conjunction with other communities all over doing the same.

Great American Can Roundup

The Margate School Surfrider Club is collecting aluminum cans for a multi-school contest. A special receptacle is located in the Tighe School cafeteria for daily collection. Cans from home can be sent in on Mondays to be included in the collection. The ACUA weighs the cans weekly. The contest runs from November 2015 to April 22, 2016.

Students and Surfrider club advisor, Jennifer Mohr-Murphy, collected cans of all sizes and created a replica of the Eiffel Tower for submission to the Atlantic County Public Library contest. Their recycled creation won 1st place in the People's Choice Award.