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Gifted and Talented

Margate City School District Gifted Program for Exceptional Learners

Students in the Gifted Program are encouraged to delve deeper into their learning in areas of interest to them through weekly extension activities. In addition to enrichment challenges offered within their daily classes, students will be invited to meet weekly with a teacher mentor to guide them through independent learning experiences tailored to their specific interests and learning styles. The optional sessions will take place during a different class period each week so that they would not be missing the same class each week.

Independent Study with Teacher Mentor
Students can explore a variety of topics that either extend what they are learning in school or experience something outside the curriculum. This individualized program is student driven under the guidance of experienced teachers.

To get started, students are asked to complete a Student Interest Survey. Activities and projects will be determined after the mentor teacher reviews the student surveys and conferences with the students. We aim for this program to provide successful extension activities and experiences for the students, so we need to balance teacher availability with student goals and expectations to develop a plan for each school year.

District Regulation: Academic Gifted and Talented Screening Procedures

The following examples describe just some of the possible endeavors that could be offered:

EIRC Supported Program Opportunities: EIRC (Educational and Information Resource Center) programs involve long-term study with a culminating project to be entered into a state-wide or regional competition.

Green Challenge
Students design and engineer green solutions to make changes in their local environments. Linking students with green professionals results in an exchange of knowledge and feedback for their solutions.

Students are challenged to invent solutions to self-identified problems through creative design and problem solving. This program stresses the development of problem-solving skills and encourages real-life application of these skills.

Research Opportunities for Gifted and Talented Education emphasizes the development of research and communication, teaching students problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order for them to become producers of knowledge, synthesizing and creating solutions to problems. In the Critical Issues component of ROGATE, students conduct original research based on a hypothesis with a culminating presentation of their research at a multi-school exposition.

Mini Model Congress
The Mini Model Congress actively involves students in practicing parliamentary procedure and debate strategies, as well as in researching and writing their own bills. This project culminates with a trip to the statehouse where “adopted” bills are debated in committee and on the house floor as students play the role of legislator.

Other Activities and Project Opportunities

TED-Ed Clubs and Programs
TED-Ed (Technology, Entertainment and Design) uses a school-friendly platform to encourage students to pursue and present their big ideas in the form of short TED-like Talks. Through research on a topic of their choosing, students prepare a TED Talk video along with animation features to be published and shared within the TED-Ed community or just within our school community.

National History Day 
Students choose a historical topic related to the annual theme, and then conduct primary and secondary research. Students draw conclusions about the significance of their topic, and then present their findings in one of five ways: as a paper, an exhibit, a performance, a documentary, or a website. (

Science Fair
Students apply the scientific method to investigate a problem through long-term research and data collection. Final presentations will be submitted to the South Jersey Regional Science Fair. 

Computer Programming
Using online resources like, Khan Academy, or TED Talks, students can learn some basic coding techniques and apply their skills to create programs to solve problems or develop interactive stories and games.


National Association for Gifted Children
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is an organization addressing the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents.

The New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC) is a statewide organization providing guidance on gifted programs, resources, and community advocacy.

Complaint Procedure:

Any individual who believes that the district has not complied with the provisions in the law or administrative code related to gifted and talented services may file a complaint with the Board of Education. The complaint shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Education office. The Superintendent or designee shall take the necessary actions to correct or remediate the complaint and report such actions to the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter.

If the complaint is not resolved to the individual’s satisfaction or the individual is not satisfied by the written decision of the Board of Education, the individual may then file a petition of appeal of the Board of Education’s written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with law (N.J.S.A. 18A:6-9) and the procedures set forth in the State Board of Education regulations.